Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Booze & The Pee-Nut Gallery

Irresponsible driving is something nearly all of us experience on the road on a daily basis. Some people tailgate while others drive contently with one foot on the gas and the other on the brake. On the interstate, it's not unusual to see people chatting or texting away on cell phones or applying make up while commandeering their vehicle at a docile 85 mph. I've even encountered a driver ravenously shoving food in his mouth with a fork from a plate in his lap.

I try not to get too upset when these people erratically block the path to my destination or make me late for work or one of my infamous speaking engagements. However, it pushes me to the absolute brink of insanity when I'm cruising along minding my own business and another's blatant stupidity causes me to spill my beer or even worse causes me to spill the contents of the cup in which I've just emptied my bladder.


Cliff said...

I can see where that would be upsetting. what really made me upset was that speed limit sign that woke me up about 9 years ago as I was coming home from work.

Liquid said...

Don't drink and may spill your drink!